Yesterday, got new experience with my friends (Ryannika, Ida, Zaki and Rindra) to try another new cool stuff, coral health chart from CoralWatch (citizen science project based at The University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia) yeay! This Chart is basically a series of sample colours, with variation in brightness representing […]
You make a difference! By taking a few simple actions, you can reduce your contributions to pollution,greenhouse gases, and climate change. Even small changes can help to protect coral reefs and help to keep them healthy. Friends of the reef pick up their trash wherever they are. Wind and rain […]
Several days ago i was invited to share my superficial knowledge in YSEALI GEI Biomarine Student Camp Team which was held by collaboration of KOPHI YOGYA and KSK, initiate by alumnus of Young South-East Asian Leaders Initiatives Rida Nurafiati dan Bambang Sutrisno. It’s an honor for me and Rudi Nirwantono (my colleague and marine expert) […]
Several days ago i got opportunity to share my experience to get LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education) on Bioscex (Biology Study club Expo) which was held by student organization in Islamic State University (UIN) Yogyakarta. Actually it was more about tips and trick to pass through selection process. In this […]
Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia, LPDP! Halo guys, khususnya scholarship hunter. Apa kabar? Semoga tetep semangat cari beasiswa ye 🙂 Kali ini saya akan sedikit cerita soal proses seleksi beasiswa LPDP dari awal ampe akhir. Ini versi saya ya, soalnya sekarang kayaknya ada sedikit perubahan yaitu adanya essay on the spot. […]
The way most students study makes no sense. That’s the conclusion of Washington University in St. Louis psychologists Henry Roediger and Mark McDaniel — who’ve spent a combined 80 years studying learning and memory, and recently distilled their findings with novelist Peter Brown in the book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful […]
Spirit Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX : Pembentukan Generasi Penerus Bangsa, Pemimpin Masa Depan Indonesia Oleh: Akbar Reza, Fakultas Biologi UGM Tulisan ini akan penulis awali dari sebuah kisah Kejadiannya berlangsung pada tahun 1946, ketika pemerintah Republik Indonesia pindah ke Jogjakarta. Saat itu, Trimurti dari Jalan Malioboro ke utara menuju […]