Again, this is a brand new experience for me since molecular is kinda a ghost for me when i was undergraduate student. Playing around with cool and expensive stuff and very superduperlittle amount of reagent :D. However, molecular technique is a powerful tool to reveal lot of ecological question which […]
from left to right (Mrs.Budi, Physics Student, Physics Student, Me, Physics Student, Mr. Budi, Rindra, Cakra, Ryannika, Ida, Amir) Today is a big day. Why? Because today we meet Mr. Budi. He is the owner of Pondok Wisata Sadranan, a tourism provider in Sadranan beach, Gunungkidul. It’s established about half […]
Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia, LPDP! Halo guys, khususnya scholarship hunter. Apa kabar? Semoga tetep semangat cari beasiswa ye 🙂 Kali ini saya akan sedikit cerita soal proses seleksi beasiswa LPDP dari awal ampe akhir. Ini versi saya ya, soalnya sekarang kayaknya ada sedikit perubahan yaitu adanya essay on the spot. […]
The way most students study makes no sense. That’s the conclusion of Washington University in St. Louis psychologists Henry Roediger and Mark McDaniel — who’ve spent a combined 80 years studying learning and memory, and recently distilled their findings with novelist Peter Brown in the book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful […]
Maybe it’s been a long-long time ago since i was officially touched all of mlolecular stuff like micropipette, electrophoresis, polymeraze chain reaction, etc. It’s almost 2 years ago! About few days ago i joined a course called Molecular Genetic Technique which was held by biodiversity and biosystematics lab, Marine and […]
Laporan Wartawan Tribun Manado Kevrent Sumurung TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, MANADO-Tim Ekspedisi NKRI 2013 Sub Korwil Gorontalo Bone Bolango yang diwakil oleh Tim Flora dan fauna serta Tim Sosial Budaya berhasil merebut tiga kategori Juara dalam lomba Foto memperingati Satu Dasa Warsa Kabupaten Bone Bolango. “Pengumuman dan penyerahan hadiahnya dilakukan pada hari Senin […]
Fotografer : Hendra Nugraha Researcher : Yunis Amu (Left) Akbar Reza (Right) Site : Olele Beach, Gorontalo, Jinn Caves Site KBRN, Gorontalo: Dua belas orang tim flora fauna Ekspedisi NKRI 2013 Sub Korwil Bone Bolango Gorontalo selama lima hari melakukan penyelaman di sepanjang pantai Olele untuk melakukan pendataan dan […]